Terms of Use

These Terms of Use apply to https://winkk.ai/ and to the web application https://chat.winkk.ai/

Effective Date: [last updated 15. November 2023]

1. Scope of Application

These Terms of use apply to the use of the services of winkk.ai (hereinafter “Website” or “Service”). By registering with our platform https://chat.winkk.ai/, you agree to these Terms of Use.

2. Description of Services

winkk AI offers a personal AI for companies that enables them to chat with company-specific data and use GPT in compliance with the GDPR. The exact services and conditions are described in detail on the website.

3. Registration and User Account

3.1 In order to use winkk AI, you must register and create a user account.

3.2 You are responsible for the security of your user account and must keep your password confidential.

4. Privacy

Personal data is processed in accordance with our privacy policy, which can be found here.

5. Disclaimer of Liability

5.1. winkk AI is not liable for damages arising from the use of the website or the services offered, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence.

5.2 Liability for indirect damages such as data loss is excluded.

6. Changes to the terms

winkk AI reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time. Amendments will be published on the website and continued use of the services shall be deemed as acceptance of the amended Terms of Use.

7. Closing provisions

Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform: https://ec.europa.eu, or you can also send any complaints to the email address given above.

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